Easter Break 2019


There are no lessons over the Easter weekend (20th/21st) April.


The following squad sessions will NOT be taking place over the easter weekend:

Thursday am, 18th April
Friday pm, 19th April (Good Friday)
Saturday 20th April
Sunday 21st April
Tuesday am 23rd April

Training returns on Tuesday evening, 23rd April.

Awards Night – 27th Feb

We are pleased to announce that the annual Seaclose Awards Evening is going to take place Wednesday 27th February at the Riverside Centre in Newport. Arrive from 6pm for a 6.30pm start. Food will be served (as in previous years) then awards will be given out.

Tickets prices will be £10 for adults and swimmers go free. Any volunteers also go free bit still let Rosie know you wish to attend.

Anyone interested in attending this please email me at rosiegard@ymail.com by 20th Feb so that I can give the venue the numbers for food.

This is a great evening every year so it’ll be good to get as many of you there as possible.

Email or questions you have.

Thursday 28th Feb morning training will be cancelled due to this event

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Christmas Break 2018


As a reminder morning training starts again on Thursday 3rd Jan. Evening training starts next week once the school term has started. The first evening session is Sunday Jan 6th.


The final lesson for this block this year is the 15/16 December, returning on the weekend of 5/6 January.

Long Course Training

We have secured two lanes of long course training on the 6th October, 24th November and 22nd December at Portsmouth. Training time on each day will be 7.25pm-8.45pm.

Sessions will be open for Pre-Senior, Senior and Masters swimmers initially with Juniors of there is space to. 

The club is covering the cost of the pool hire and if attending swimmers will need to make their own way to the pool.

If you want to attend please confirm with Val.


Sessions during Medina Leisure Centre Closure – Updated

The club are arranging sessions where possible whilst Medina Leisure centre is closed.

To be able to run sessions we need to confirm availability of coaches, lifeguards and available pool time. We are able to confirm the sessions below and will add more where possible. With limited availability all squads can attend all sessions below.

West Wight swimming club have kindly agreed we can attend some of their sessions – if you do attend please remember to listen to the coaches an that you may be sharing a lane with more people than normal.

Available Sessions

Saturday 22nd September at The Heights. 6.30-8.00am. 
Saturday 29th September at The Heights. 6.30-8.00am. 
Saturday 6th October at The Heights. 7.00-8.30am. (Provisional in the case Medina Leisure centre is not back open)

Tuesday evenings through the closure. 6.30pm to 8.30pm at West Wight Leisure Centre. 

Friday 21st September at West  Wight Leisure Centre 6.30-8.30pm.
Friday 28th September at West  Wight Leisure Centre 6.30-8.30pm.


For Senior and Pre-Senior Swimmers Ryde Swimming Club have sessions on Wednesday evenings at 8-9pm, and Fridays 7.30-8.30pm. Swimmers will need to pay £2 per session if attending please.

Some Sunday evening sessions will be running – this is waiting on confirmation of pool times before we can confirm.





September sessions – 1st to 10th Sept

The following sessions will take place in the week before Medina Pool closes for the plant room work:

Saturday 1st am 6.30-8.30
Sunday 2nd Evening 17.00-19.00
Tuesday 4th 6.00-7.30 & 19.00-20.00 (Juniors) / 19.00-21.00 (Seniors)
Wednesday 5th 6.00-7.30
Thursday 6th 6.00-7.30
Friday 7th 19.00-21.00 (until 20.00 for Juniors)
Saturday 8th am 6.30 – 8.30
Sunday 9th evening 17.00-19.00

There will be NO junior squad training on Sunday AM. Swimmers are encouraged to attend on Saturday AM instead.

Details for sessions whilst Medina pool is shut are still being confirmed.

Summer Break 2018

As we come into the Summer break please take note of the following dates. 


Lessons finish the weekend of 21/22 July. These will return after the summer break on the weekend of 13th/14th October and when the planned works at Medina Leisure centre are completed. All swimmers will be contacted nearer the time confirming times / dates of the first week back.


Squad sessions will continue until Sunday 29th July. 

There will be training on the mornings of Wednesdays 15th, 22nd and 29th August.

Training will start again on Saturday 1st September through to the pool closure on September 10th. 

With Medina pool closed from 10th September for three weeks alternative sessions will be arranged during this month. Please keep an eye on Facebook and the website for updates.