Sqaud Swimmers – Catch up call

As we look to try and return to swimming sessions we would like to offer the squad swimmers a chance to meet with Val and Michelle via Zoom.

These sessions are to help answer any questions you may have, and help support you in getting back into training. For many of you this will be the longest break from swimming you have had so it may be a daunting prospect.

Sessions will be in 20 minutes slots and will be held virtually via Zoom. We are hoping to run the first sessions from 6pm on Monday July 6th. To arrange a session please email Val – valgard@ymail.com

For those under 18 we will need a parent/guardian in the background too but the meetings are to hear the swimmers views and any concerns.


Awards Evening – Friday 20th March

AWARDS EVENING: 7pm start (doors open 6:30pm)

Awards night for the Club Champs (held late 2019)

Friday 20 March at Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes
finger buffet provided.

Swimmers – free,
Volunteers – free,
Adults – £7.50

Please pay directly to club account. If you would like to attend please email me bengardiw@gmail.com so we can confirm numbers

Southampton Open Meet – December 8th

Val is doing entries for the Level 3 Southampton Open meet. Details can be found below.
Please get the entries in to Val by 14th October.
Please send your entries to valgard@ymail.com.


Also on a separate note – swimmers should only look to compete in 3 Open Meets a year. Please do not over-compete. Val is willing to guide and advise any parent /swimmer if needed.

Welcome back – early 2019/20 season open meets

Welcome back to the 19/20 season.  It will be great to get back into training and competitions. 
We are now taking entries for the following open meets:  
 22nd Sept Littlehampton L3  cost is £6 per swim (ideal for the vast majority of swimmers)   https://www.littlehamptonswimmingclub.com/competitions/open-meets/county_qualifier/
29th Sept  James Moreno Southampton L2 has minimum qualifying times (need to be faster than)  £7 per swim 
Closing date to Val – valgard@ymail.com   is Thurs 5th Sept at the very latest.  Please make sure you send the following information
Name of open meet
Swimmers full name
Swim England Registration no.
Events wishing to swim and best times (found on individual biogs)
Once entries have been confirmed by the meet, you will be notified of the amount owed to SSC, please pay by BACS transfer.
We are also taking entries for the Rushmore Royals L3 meet on the 5th/6th Oct.  https://uk.teamunify.com/SubTabGeneric.jsp?team=serrsc&_stabid_=156726
Closing date to Val is 24th September, please provide the same information as above.

Rother League Round 3 – September 14th 2019

The team sheet for round 3 of Rother League is available here – Round 3 Team Sheet 2019

As always we need to take officials so if you can help please confirm to coaches@seaclosesc.co.uk

We will be travelling by Red Funnel Car ferry. If you are willing to drive please confirm to the address above, with your vehicle registration number and the club will book tickets.

Please try and confirm by September 7th. 

Summer Break 2019

Updated – last session will be Saturday 27th AM – no training on Sunday 28th July.

Thank you for everyones commitment, training and support over this season which has shown some great results across the board.

Lessons are now finished for the summer break.

Squads will finish for the Summer on Saturday 27th July, returning on Tuesday 3rd September. Additionally there will be no training on Friday eve, 26th July.

There will be NO training during August.

With the IW Champs on this weekend there will be no training on Saturday morning this weekend, 20th July.

Sports Psychology Session

This Monday 20th there is a great opportunity for some of our swimmers-

Simon Capon is coming to Medina to deliver another Sports Psychology Session to the Island Games team and Seaclose Senior / presenior swimmers on Monday 7.45 – 9 p.m. We encourage as many of the senior or pre-senior swimmers to attend. There is no charge but I do need to know numbers please.

Please get in touch if you are available. This is such a great opportunity.