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Lesson dates – September 2017

Lessons will restart for Seaclose on the weekend of the 9th / 10th September, and the block of 10 lessons will run through to the weekend of 18th / 19th November.

We will be in touch shortly confirming times / groups for all swimmers.

Thank you.

Open Meets 2017/18

The club will be supporting the following open meets this season:

Littlehampton County Qualifier L3 24th Sept £5 per event

James Moreno Open L2 30th Sept £6.50 per event

[Updated] Rushmoor L3 SC Meet 22nd Oct (Meet has changed to a level 3 meet on the 22nd Only

Entries for the Littlehampton and James Moreno have to be with Val by 4th September at the latest – send them to


Rother League round 2 is on the 23rd September and a team sheet will be available at the start of September. 

Pool Closure

We have been notified by Medina Leisure Centre that due to the unexpected condition of the swimming pool roof, the pool will be closed from 6am-3pm Monday-Friday next week (17-21 July).

As a result our morning training is cancelled. Evening sessions are expected to go ahead.

We are also expecting sessions to continue on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 July ahead of the summer break

Summer Break

As we get near the end of the school term ready for the summer break some confirmed dates for your diary:

The last weekend of lessons is this week (8th/9th July).

Lessons will start again on the 2nd / 3rd September. As we have had a bit of a disrupted block of lessons this time we will contact everyone to confirm their / groups times for the new swimming year as we towards the end of the summer holidays.

Squads will continue through to July 23rd. The pool closes for a week on the 24th July so we cannot train any longer than this date.

We are hoping to run some Wednesday morning sessions in last 3 weeks of August but will confirm this as soon as we have the pool booked.


Latest News / Summer Info

Well done to the Island Games swim team in Gotland. Great PB’s all week and medals for  the team. Updates from the week available here –

As we move towards the summer some provisional dates for the diary.

There have been lots of events and activities the last few weeks so the Isle of Wight Sprints and the Seaclose Club Champs will not take place until after the summer break. Club champs are likely to be end October / early November and the IW Sprints fitted around this.

Lessons finish for the summer on the weekend of 8/9 July. Squads will continue until late July. We are looking around 23rd July for the final session. There will be some sessions in August  – dates to be confirmed.

Final details will be published here as soon as confirmed.




Team Managers Course (Not just for Team Managers!)

Swim England have brought in new rules that the Team Manager qualification is required by anyone wishing to be on poolside for the Nationals and it is being filtered down to Open Meets etc.  
The course is the ‘Team Managers 1 & 2’ and is completed as a 1-off course. It does not need to be repeated or renewed.  
Any person wishing to be on poolside at gala’s and open meets will need to have this.  
Seaclose are hosting a course and with the tutor coming to the Island we have special permission to complete both modules will be covered on the same day.
The date is Saturday 30th September at Medina Leisure Centre. Time to be confirmed but will likely be between 8.30 – 4 p.m.
The course is free for Seaclose S.C. Members and parents.
Please let us know by the end of July if you can attend by e-mailing 

Family Fun Night – 24th June

There will be a family fun night at Medina Leisure Centre on Saturday 24th Jun, from 5.15pm to 7.00pm

The fun night is open to all Club members from lessons and squads and is a chance to have a bit of fun and relax in the pool.

There will be an opportunity to try for a long distance swimming badge in the first hour of the session. If you would like to do this you will need someone that can count your lengths and the badges will cost £2.00

We will need lifeguards so if you can cover some or all of the session please let us know at

See you on the 24th June.

Festival Weekend

Just a reminder to everyone with the festival coming up swimming is on as normal up to and including Thursday morning.

No training or lessons on Friday / Saturday / Sunday.

Back to normal on Tuesday AM.